Saturday, October 23, 2010

We touch, I feel a ruSh

Just woke up with a terrible headache, and I'm still numb. That's what always happens when I have too many dreams in one night :P But I remember this clear dream that I had, we were talking I guess, and I was feeling bad, really really very bad so while he was talking about his reasons why we can't be, I just threw myself in his arms crying, really needing it. And then he was very uncomfortable, saying something like "If I'm talking to you it doesn't mean that I like you, you shouldn't be doing this." And it was awful, can't describe how bad. Besides that  I remember one more dream too, I was at 'her' house but she was avoiding me too, just like she does in school. I was there to say I'm sorry and make up for everything, but she didn't want to see me.

My dreams affect me strongly. No idea why. Maybe because they always feel real. Maybe because I get a lot of answers while I'm dreaming, it's like my brain just gives me the answers of what I've been thinking about all this time, when I'm not conscious. And last night's wasn't good.

P.S: Can't stop listening to Space Bound, damn you for suggesting it. It pains me more to listen to it...the lyrics just tell our story. :|

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