Friday, October 15, 2010


I feel like he's avoiding me, and I know what I've done was stupid...but I don't wanna lose him as a friend. I'll back off. Just stay there. Never ever think of leaving...! =]

Today I felt beautiful. There was something about my eyes, the peace and happiness I felt reflected so deep in them. They were really shining...

It's like I'm torn, there's this happy carefree girl who's in love with life, tries her best to help others and loves her friends...the girl that nothing can seem to be able to upset her. The one that just randomly dances and jumps and sings and hugs people... The one that makes everyone happy by just being there. The one that I like the most. The one that's strong around you. The one that never gets nervous when she sees you, the one that you love...

But there's the other part, the sad and depressed girl that is always quite and there's always something serious and cold about her. The one that cries every night, the one that dies when she sees you. The one who can't stand those around you, the one that hates her enemies, the one without a heart, the one you hate to be around.

I just think that today was the awesome one's day. :) And she really shined like a star.

P.S: English was okay, no need to skip. It's weekend...but assessments start on Monday, and believe me I'm ready to rock! xD

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