Saturday, April 9, 2011


I've learned that...

People don't like it when you try to change things about them or their lives. If you don't like something about it, don't get involved.

Nothing lasts forever, and friendships fade. You'll walk past your best friend like a stranger someday. Fast friendships are easy come and easy go - you should never put your everything in one.

If you don't want anyone to know something, the only way is to keep your mouth shut. If you tell even one person about it, still everyone will know.

People will talk about you behind your back. People do it to everyone. The only important thing is how you handle it - if you care, you lose.

It doesn't matter how many friends you have and how popular you are. The only person you can trust is yourself, if you fail in your life there's no one there to help you. In your darkest time, you only have yourself. So be a strong one.

Success doesn't come overnight. It needs a lot of hard work and a lot of time, and a determined mind. Of course you will fail in the first few steps - you just have to be strong enough to not give up and continue.

You can't change the past, but you can use your experiences to be better today. Each mistake teaches you something, that's why I love them. But they should not be repeated.


Good lessons I suppose. Experienced every single one of them so it's true. And I wrote it myself :D