Saturday, January 29, 2011

I try so very hard not to loSe it

So this is the third one in months?! I'm really beginning to think something's awfully wrong with me. Or not. I have no idea. I just read something that I shouldn't have, one of those things that you should never know no matter how important they are and your heart just sinks. Now I'm trying to get over that feeling by writing, maybe talking about it makes it better...hope it works. :-/

Reached Penang Island yesterday and it's so far so good. I'm not really a travel lover but getting out of that crowded and big city for a while was nice. It's cooler than KL because it's by the sea and is full of hills. So we arrived at seven something in the evening, put our stuff in the hotel and then went out to explore the area, and ended up at Starbucks until they closed at 12 :D Cabs are rare here I've no idea why, even though lots of tourists are here. Generally things are different here. People are more friendly, the buildings are less and the ocean is everywhere. So we couldn't find a cab at 12 and got to our hotel because some nice guy offered us a ride, I'm sure it would never happen in KL. :D

I was so tired that I finally had a real sleep without trying so hard to tell my mind to shut up. Woke up around nine, had breakfast (fruits for me - I hate hotel's breakfast sausages xD) then strolled down the beach which was right in front of us because it's a beach hotel. It was cool until I decided to go in the water and the salty water hit my injured knee (HAD A BLEEDING KNEE YESTERDAY IN P.E!) and it hurt like shhiiiiiit so I went up to fix it looks kinda weird. No infection please. Mom's been nagging about having an injection for it since yesterday. o.O

The bus system here is way cooler. Explored the whole island with it :D Now we're sitting in McDonald's because of the WiFi, I hate the food. Will be back in KL by tomorrow night.

Okay, I think I successfully distracted myself...thanks.

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