Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Day Two

It's boring as hell. I've been stuck in the house since I got here from airport and all I can do is surfing the net and reading boring books and sleeping and eating and washing the dishes and listening to old music. Texting and calling him is the only interesting thing here. Honestly this time I don't feel anything, I know this sounds bad and stupid and selfish but it's true. And I kinda miss my dad. And my cat, she's getting old and my allergic reactions to cats is getting worse each time so I can't even spend time with her at  all. And it's hot as helllll, couldn't even sleep at night. And my friends, I can't see them and I won't see them anytime soon and I'm pretty sure that none of them want to see me at all. :|

Okay I just should shut up now.

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