Tuesday, July 12, 2011

however far away..

Day One

This is the first day of torture. And I do not mean me being stuck here all summer, it's about him being so close and yet so far, cuz we can't meet. It's the fact that I won't be able to see him for two months. I'm gonna count it day by day, I'll miss him every single day.

So during the whole flight we couldn't speak or look at each other. And in those last minutes, when the lights were turned off and the plane was about to land, we held hands secretly and it wasn't enough, but it was still something...ugh. I'm gonna fight for this. I'm not gonna give up just because they don't want us together. I'm just gonna go ahead and don't give a damn as long as he's by my side.

It's so freaking hot in here o.O at least it was easy to bear in KL because of the humidity but here it's hell. When they said the temperature in Tehran is 38 C when we landed I was like WTF. Even KL's worst days are about 33. And it was NIGHT TIME when we landed :D And I'm gonna be stuck here for two months. And I'm gonna miss HP7. And I'm not gonna see him or my friends. I can't even go out and have fun here. Perfect summer!

at least it's good that we can be texting here xD

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