Monday, June 27, 2011

you are the best thing that's ever been mine..

Exams are taking too long, we're into the third week and it's getting exhausting. It gets so bad that you'll just be like, 'whatever, I can't take the pressure anymore, I'm just gonna lay down here and to hell with my marks :D'

Only three more papers left...sometimes I wish that I'd chosen the business group, they finished last Friday AND their subjects are waaaaay easier than science groups. You don't even need to study real hard. It just need common sense lol. Today we had Biology paper 1 and ICT practical, which was fine except for the fact that I messed up like two questions in Excel -.- pfffff. And whoever made the questions for bio reaaallly wanted us to fail. I won't fail, I never fail bio, but I'm not gonna get that A I planned of. So my average won't be realllly high. :| So my mom won't buy me a new phone. So my dad will be like you didn't study again. Ugh. I can already imagine them scolding me.

Yesterday my mom asked me to take Hydrixisine for my allergy and DAMN, it basically put me in deeeeep 12 hours long sleep. And I still woke up with my alarm clock. o.O I was still a but drowsy during bio =/

Anyway...he's the best freaking thing that's happened to me...he's my best friend at the same time too. It's like with him, I just can't give any shit about the world and its annoying people. With him, I don't overthink stuff, I don't stress myself out, I'm generally a better person. And even when I somehow manage to see the world as a dark even black he's still there, understanding what my problem is and why am I that way, and reassures me that it's gonna be alright. Typical Taurus of course :D Not to mention our brains being linked in a weird and complicated way. It's all just to good to be true.

I don't give a damn about what people say, they may say that he's not good for me or dislike him just because he's not like other disgusting guys in school, I don't fucking care. He's good for me and I love him and that's all that matters.

My life is more peaceful lately. It's like sharing it with someone else makes it easier to go on.

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