Thursday, June 16, 2011

viva forever.

These past few weeks have been crazy! And I guess the crazier it got the more I was scared to write all of that here so we're just gonna skip the craziness :D (Dear future me, I'm sorry for not writing here for so long in such an important time, I really am! It's just that you can't really always hold on to past blog entries. Get a life xD)

So, during this time we moved to a new house, sports day happened and all that hard work for cheerleading was for nothing and we didn't win and it doesn't matter if the outfit was ugly, the whole thing sucked and I'm like soooo disappointed but it's alright cause it's so typically me giving up on something then picking myself up and wanting it more than ever and oh yes I know it's wrong to write such a long sentences with so many ANDS but I hate stopping when I'm writing cause I get lazy and I stop :D

It sure as hell was a strange sports day but oh well at least I got two medals, one for 400 meters relay (GOLD!) and one for tug of war. (silver :-") I liked the part when the moms were doing our hair at six in the morning and putting make up for us and getting us ready. Felt like celebrities lol. And Youmei's GaGa custom was simply amazing. (:

Then, drama shit happened again of course but we all know that I'm used to it by now and so, IGNORED! But this time was bad because guys were involved in it as well and it gets pretty bad when it happens. Boys just should not be involved in drama. It's bad.

Then exams started, then I found love right in the middle of it :D Hahaha joking now that's too cheesy. :-&
It's just that we finally did it, we finally decided to try it out and not be scared of being official and so far, so good. A little hesitation on my part because of the past mistakes but he makes me feel so comfortable and secure, he's someone I can depend on and that's something for me. He's real,  he's supporting, and he's there for me no matter what and oh well, those words make my heart skip a beat. It's like I believe in love again.

But seriously it's awesome :D we can even read each other's minds lol. He's so easy to talk to about anything and by anything I mean ANYTHING lol. I can't even imagine sharing those kind of stuff with anyone else. Not even the people I felt comfortable with.

Enough of the cheesiness.

So I have 13 papers for exams because all of the science subjects plus maths have two papers this term "-.-
So far I'm done with 5 and it all ends on June 29th. Been good til now. I even did kinda well for chemistry.

And my best friend just arrived in Malaysia yesterday and we're gonna spend one awesome month together here! Life is like really cool these days. I'm gonna see my dad soon too. Whoa.

ANNND...I'll be back in Iran for summer!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^
I'm like soooo looking forward to it. This time it's gonna be longer too. :D

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