Monday, May 23, 2011

sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.

I know I've said it too many times but I'm so freaking out of time during these weeks! I come home around 4 everyday after practice, then I have to pack a little more of my stuff, then study a bit cuz exams are so freaking close, do my homework and projects and manage to still exercise at the same time and train myself for the 400 meters run and get enough sleep and eat healthy stuff and blah blah blah. And not to mention to spend time equally with all of my close friends which are unusually a lot (since when I'm so popular?! lol) It's crazy, it's like a roller coaster. I really wish this can make time pass so fast so I don't have to count days to going back to Iran.

Today it was the shot pot competition between houses and honestly Clover girls didn't do really well. I probably got the highest between them (5.2 meters! :-S) But two Tulip girls did great. I admit they're good. It seems like this year, in the overall houses competition it's Clover VS. Tulip 'cause even in the table we're so close and well ahead of the other houses. But in cheerleading, it's between us and Violet :D Do I have to say that I can't wait for sports day again? :D

I'm loving the rumours. It's like if two people from opposite sex spend the break and lunch time with each other and walk with each other, they're instantly marked as a couple. It's hilarious, anybody who sees me asks if I'm with him and I laugh it off and say we're just really good friends. Well we are. I'm glad to have him back. The mental connection is insane. To be honest I've never had it with anyone else. (The physical attraction sucks though :D )

But the other one I wanted...
Why do I still care about him? Why does it make me feel bad when I see him hanging out and having fun with other girls? I shouldn't. I know I don't really love him anymore. I know that it was just a fling. I know that it's not meant to be. But what destroys me everytime is that how good we could be. How amazing it would be. That's the thing that makes me sad. 

Speaking of boys in the past...
I ran into HIM today by accident, and it was cool. We're really good friends now. The war is over. I wish him all the best (: 

And by him, I'm referring to the very reason for me to have this blog, the one that all the early posts are about. I couldn't contain all that sorrow in me.

Haha. Now I've wrote about three different boys lol. 

I miss my cat. 

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