Saturday, June 8, 2013

Class of '13

We graduated from college yesterday!

CIMP taught me to be more social, more outspoken, more involved and it was a great transformation from high school to adult life. I met so many awesome people and I experienced many amazing things (Broga trip will always shine in my memory! :P) and I'm grateful for that.

 And I'm grateful for my parents - CIMP wasn't really cheap but they did it anyway because they wanted the best for me. And I wish I could say that I paid them back but no, I honestly didn't...and it's all my fault, I overestimated myself and I chose subjects that I wasn't really good at just to have 'more science' in my diploma and that's where I was wrong. I should have stuck to what I'm really good at, Biology & Chemistry and Advanced Functions were 'enough sciences' but I chose Physics and Calculus too just in case even though I'm not particularly good at them...and it was a huge mistake, it brought my average down and that's one of the biggest regrets of my life. But oh well, no use in regretting it right now...again, this will be a big lesson for the rest of my life. I will always go for something that I like not something that I feel like I'll have to do.

Graduation was crazy and surreal and sad and exciting at the same time...I guess we can all finally believe it and accept the fact that we're done with it, that we're officially 'grown ups' now. I don't feel like a teenager anymore, like this was the final congratulations Setareh, I just sincerely hope that you won't lose the craziness and turn into a boring adult.

Me and Mr.Futa - it was an honour to be in the last batch that had him as CIMP's director. 

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