Saturday, September 10, 2011

the new era

It's been long since the last time I wrote in here and I didn't intend that, actually I wanted to update it as frequently as I could specially in the last week when things began to change but oh well - here I am now :D

So I landed in KL Monday morning and went to school the following day. They've made a lot of changes, there are trees and flowers and benches and a fountain, the football field looks awesome now, and the dining hall and the classes too. We even have a 'Paris street' :D with pink chairs and little tables and flowers. I like it.

Year 11 is very different. We're the seniors of school and it feels really weird :D It's a very important year for us. All of our past year teachers are changed and the senior ones teach us now. They're all investing in us. And we're all studying like NNNNEEERRRDDSSSS even though it was just the first week of school. It was the first week of school to THEM :D for us it's just continuing the year 10, knowing exams are just two months away. It makes anyone to be in the exam mood from now on lol.

I've changed. Actually, I'm back to that nerd that I used to be all my life except for last year when I let things fall off the way, and although it was a bad experience, it let me find my way. There are just not enough words to explain how peaceful and happy I am these days. Things that used to bother me before are just blocked now whenever they try to get near me, it's like something amazing is protecting me. I've forgiven the people who've hurt me before and there's just no hate, no worries, no black thoughts inside of me. It seriously feels amazing. :)

And he, he is always there, and this time I'm not even sure if we'll eventually break up lol. With the past relationships I always knew no matter how perfect it seems we'll go separate ways SOME DAY, maybe after a few months or a year and half, but it'd always happen. This time, I'm not sure at all. In fact, the chances of staying together f o r e v e r are really high now even though it sounds really cheesy.

Straightened my hair yesterday xD It's good. And yesterday I went out without wearing school uniform for the first time, and two guys just walked up to me (not at the same time of course!) tellin me they think I'm really pretty, and asked for my number lol. One of them was shopping and when he saw me walkin down the stairs he just ran after me all the way to Starbucks near the KLCC park. Of course I told them I'm not single, but I appreciate it, and we can hang out in groups later for sure. Everything is so new to me. I don't feel like a teenager anymore. I feel, and look like, a young lady. Eighteenth birthday is near. I feel the changes in me. :)

I sleep early, I wake up early, I study hard, I pay attention in class and don't go day dreaming. I actually do my homework and projects and assignments and don't try to skip it. And I'm a prefect now. I don't use my laptop everyday. Just two days a week o.O And when I do I just check my email lol. Facebook is not interesting anymore. Even in the weekend I enjoy cleaning my room and organizing it and studying more than being online even though I have time for it on Saturdays and Sundays. They say changes don't come over night but I guess for me it happened in a short time. Or maybe those horrible two months affected it. I have no idea. I'm just glad to be happy and have a genuine smile on my face.

1 comment:

  1. I admire what you have written about your resolve to excel. And, I am happy that your emotional life is linked to someone dear to you. Let me wish you continued success and happiness. You are the best. What you go after will be yours. This comment is by Anonymous Ron :))
