Sunday, January 3, 2010


Insomnia. Well not exactly, I sleep at 6 p.m and wake up at 2 a.m.

It's Sunday now, meaning that we should come back to school tomorrow after one month. :-/
I was worried, but now everything seems suddenly fine. What was I worried about? Many things: My pimples on my face aren't getting any better, I'm getting fat because I don't exercise and I didn't watch my eating when I was in Iran, I 'had to' wear glasses and they make me ugly, my eyebrows 'were' thick and it made me ugly too, and I had skin allergy and well I know I've made enemies in school during these three months.
So, what happened?

I feel good. I started hitting gym again and I plan to continue, even though I'm not gonna put myself under pressure by being crazy again about what I eat, I'll eat normal but I'll also exercise. I do it because it makes me feel good (and secretly I say, it helps the pimples, really! :D) and well I know it will eventually make me fit.
Anyway is always a way to disappear the pimples for a while, right? ;)
I got contact lenses yesterday. It's easier than I thought and I don't have to wear glasses in school anymore, that feels SO good! And oh I plugged my brows, they are nice now, I can kinda say I'm pretty :) My skin allergy also seemed to have vanished. I'm planning to be good to those girls, and even an apology maybe. And oh well, Sarveena chatted with me in Facebook, she's so nice! I'm gonna ask her advice if necessary.

The only problem left is cleaning my room :p and...MATHS :|

It's 5:38 a.m.

p.s: New Moon soundtrack is good! :)

1 comment:

  1. plugged your eyebrows? azizam, do you mean "plucked" your eyebrows? Love ya, ron
